How to modify the Gutenberg blocks from post content with PHP

WordPress block editor named Gutenberg brings a new format for the post content. It saved all the text, images, and other objects in blocks. To make all this parseable to a format that would allow the editor to read them, the content blocks are delimited by HTML comments that start with <!-- wp: .

There are several functions in PHP and Javascript that allow parsing this format into an array of objects (or arrays in the case of PHP).

In JS there are several ways to parse that content. The editor has a very rich JS API under the hood. But this post will focus on PHP instead. Because we may want to modify the content when a post is updated, just before the page renders the HTML, or when something else happened.

The use cases are endless. One thing is clear, we want to modify the content in PHP.

To do this, we need a mechanism that would convert the post content, which is a string, into an array.

We already have a function that does this: parse_blocks

And another function that converts back from array to the specific string format: serialize_blocks

So ideally we may use these two functions and get the job done. But wait…

We may have an endless number of blocks on a single page. And each of these blocks may have other nested blocks, and those nested blocks may have other nested… You got the idea…

We must take care of each block and also make sure that we don’t destroy this relationship between parent and nested blocks.

To achieve this I created the following class.


namespace ZeroWP;

class PostBlocks
     * @param \WP_Post|int $post
     * @param callable     $callback
     * @return string
    public static function getNewContent($post, $callback)
        $post    = get_post($post);
        $content = $post->post_content;

        if (has_blocks($post->post_content)) {
            $blocks       = parse_blocks($post->post_content);
            $parsedBlocks = self::parseBlocks($blocks, $callback);

            $content = serialize_blocks($parsedBlocks);

        return $content;

     * @param \WP_Block_Parser_Block[]|array[] $blocks
     * @param callable                 $callback
     * @return \WP_Block_Parser_Block[]
    protected static function parseBlocks($blocks, $callback): array
        $allBlocks = [];

        foreach ($blocks as $block) {
            // Go into inner blocks and run this method recursively
            if ( ! empty($block['innerBlocks'])) {
                $block['innerBlocks'] = self::parseBlocks($block['innerBlocks'], $callback);

            // Make sure that is a valid block (some block names may be NULL)
            if ( ! empty($block['blockName'])) {
                $allBlocks[] = $callback($block); // the magic is here...

            // Continuously create back the blocks array.
            $allBlocks[] = $block;

        return $allBlocks;

The class is incomplete, and that’s correct. Because I can’t know what you want to modify in each block, you must provide a callback function.

As you may have noticed, we have the second parameter in the first method named $callback. Here is what you, the developer, must do. Call it!

This function will consecutively get access to each block from your post.

Note: Is your duty to verify the block name. Otherwise, you’ll end up modifying all blocks.

Here are a few callback examples.

Replace a string from the block’s innerHTML

$callback = function($block)
    if ( ! empty($block['innerHTML'])) {
        $block['innerHTML'] = str_replace('Hello World', 'Hello Mars!', $block['innerHTML']);

    return $block;

Replace a string from the block’s innerContent

$callback = function($block)
    if ( ! empty($block['innerContent']) && is_array($block['innerContent'])) {
        $block['innerContent'] = array_map(function ($item) {
            return str_replace('Hello World', 'Hello Mars!', $item);
        }, $block['innerContent']);

    return $block;

Obviously, you can combine these two into one if you want or need to. But I’m pretty sure that you’ll need it. Since these two properties, innerHTML and innerContent contain similar data but save in a different format.

Modify block attributes

If a block contains some settings, then it may have some attributes. They are usually JSON objects, but in PHP they end up as associative arrays.

These block attributes are under attrs property. Here is a simple example that will replace the url to another URL. Keep in mind that this is just an example and the URL property may not exist.

$callback = function($block)
    if (isset($block['attrs']['url'])){
        $block['attrs']['url'] = '';

    return $block;

Make sure that you’re modifying the right block

In the previous examples, I did not include a check that would allow me to identify the block name. So I’d be able to apply different mods for different block types.

Here is a quick snippet that would match the paragraph and heading blocks.

$callback = function($block)
    $neededBlocks = ['core/paragraph', 'core/heading'];
    if (isset($block['blockName']) && in_array($block['blockName'], $neededBlocks)){
        // We have the correct blocks and now we can modify them.

    return $block;

Initiate the block modification process

$newContent = \ZeroWP\PostBlocks::getNewContent($postIdOrObject, $callback);

Now the $newContent is modified. Use it where you need it.

Example: Modify one or more blocks when the post is saved.

Let’s try it with a real-world example. How we would do it when a post is saved…

In the following example, we’ll alter the content of a post when it’s saved to DB, but only if it has blocks. If it does not, then we’ll do nothing.

add_action('wp_after_insert_post', function ($postId, $postAfter) {
    if (has_blocks($postAfter)) {
        $newContent = \ZeroWP\PostBlocks::getNewContent($postAfter, function ($block) {
            $neededBlocks = ['core/paragraph', 'core/heading'];

            if (isset($block['blockName']) && in_array($block['blockName'], $neededBlocks)) {
                if ( ! empty($block['innerHTML'])) {
                    $block['innerHTML'] = str_replace(['vulgar', 'dirty'], ['v****r', 'd***y'], $block['innerHTML']);
                if ( ! empty($block['innerContent']) && is_array($block['innerContent'])) {
                    $block['innerContent'] = array_map(function ($item) {
                        return str_replace(['vulgar', 'dirty'], ['v****r', 'd***y'], $item['innerHTML']);
                    }, $block['innerContent']);

            return $block;

            'ID'           => $postId,
            'post_content' => $newContent,
        ]), false, false);
}, 99, 2);

This will replace some forbidden words with anything else of your choice and save it back to DB.

Imagine when you want to prevent bad words in your articles. you can do this automatically on save without reviewing the content manually.


As you can see, we can easily and safely modify the saved blocks with PHP. How to do it and when to do it is up to you. You got a good starting point and with the help of WordPress hooks, you’ll be able to do whatever you want.

Member since January 2, 2019

As a seasoned WordPress developer with expertise in various tech stacks and languages, I bring years of experience to every project I handle. My passion for coding and dedication to delivering exceptional work ensures that each project I take on is of the highest quality. I specialize in creating custom themes, developing plugins, and building full-scale web systems. By staying up-to-date with the latest industry trends and best practices, I incorporate cutting-edge solutions into my work.


  • Valentin 2 years ago

    Great post!

    Is there a difference about innerContent render when the block uses a PHP file instead of static HTML from the save JS method?

  • Andrei 2 years ago


    The innerContent will have some data when you actually implement the save method in JS.

    If you don’t implement this method in JS and instead render it using PHP, it will usually be empty.

    In the end, all you need in PHP are the attrs and innerBlocks.

    innerBlocks may be there if you implement the save method in JS with InnerBlocks.Content. Example:

    save: () => {
      const blockProps =;
      return (
          <div { ...blockProps }>
              <InnerBlocks.Content />

    However, that’s not the content of the block that you register, but another nested level that are individual blocks.

  • Michael 2 years ago

    That is an interesting approach and I made it work nicely for this use case: I have a “hand-picked products” woocommerce-block, which – if you look at the data saved in post_content – is just a list of IDs that gets rendered into a product display. Saving this data or modifying it following the example given is easy, but the block, once changed outside of the gutenberg-block itself, no longer renders. Do you have any idea on why this could be the case? I know, this is not a support forum, but a pointer on where the issue could be located would be nice.

    • Andrei 2 years ago

      How are you changing it? If you add more attributes, they need to be registered, otherwise, the block render will fail in the editor.

      • Michael 2 years ago

        Hi Andrei, that is exactly the point: I don’t. I just modify existing numbers (i.e. post-ids). And yet still the block does not render once I do that…

        • Andrei 2 years ago

          Maybe doing a side-by-side comparison before and after modification would help to understand.

          If the modified code is exactly the same as the previous one, but only the numbers are changed, then it should work.

          I guess you have integer numbers, but after modification, they are converted to strings, or vice-versa.

          Also maybe it’s an array, then converted to an object, or something else.

          Could you share in a private gist your PHP code and block code before/after modification?

          You can send it directly to me using this form (so it’s not public):

          • Michael 2 years ago

            Hi Andrei, sorry for the long silence. I noticed that your way of doing things indeed works perfectly fine on most blocks. The woocommerce blocks seem to be another kind of beasts. They use transients and other gimmicks to speed things up, thereby breaking completely regular techniques like the one you proposed. So no need to have a look at my specific sample – although I highly appreciate the friendly offer!

          • Andrei 2 years ago

            No worries. Glad to see that you figured out what going on there. 🙂

  • Tom 1 year ago

    I have a problem when I want to add a new block (image for example). How do I integrate this new block? Because it integrates but when I want to edit the post, the new block isn’t visible in the editor.

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