Tips & tricks

How to Refresh Git After Modifying the .gitignore

Sometimes, after updating the .gitignore file, I need to refresh Git to ensure it respects the new ignore rules. Here’s…

Batch Rename “.css” to “.scss” in a Snap!

Ever been in that situation where you wanted to switch things up and turn all your “.css” files into “.scss“?…

Bulk delete “Zone.Identifier” Files with a Bash Trick

Ever stumbled upon those pesky “Zone.Identifier” files cluttering up your directories? Ugh, so annoying, right? That’s what I had today…

Change the EOL between CRLF, LF, and CR.

The end of the line is a symbol, which breaks the text lines into new rows. Many computer users don’t…

What is ternary operator and how to use it?

The ternary operator is a short replacement for the if and else statement. It allows writing the condition elegantly in…

Quick fix for jQuery “Uncaught TypeError: $ is not a function” in WordPress

jQuery is an old library used on millions of websites. Likewise, WordPress used and still uses it extensively in plugins…