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How to Refresh Git After Modifying the .gitignore

Sometimes, after updating the .gitignore file, I need to refresh Git to ensure it respects the new ignore rules. Here’s…

Quick start with WordPress & Docker by using wpdock

Simplify WordPress development with wpdock, a powerful CLI tool for setting up and managing WordPress environments using Docker. Quickly initialize…

Reliable WP Cron for Local WordPress Development

I work every day with WordPress, and when developing solutions in a local environment, I need a reliable WP-Cron to…

Implementing Smooth Scroll with scrollToElement in JavaScript

As a web developer, I constantly strive to create seamless user experiences. One of the techniques I frequently employ is…

Disable REST API in WordPress

Disabling the WordPress JSON REST API can be achieved through a few different methods, depending on your specific needs and…

Batch Rename “.css” to “.scss” in a Snap!

Ever been in that situation where you wanted to switch things up and turn all your “.css” files into “.scss“?…

Bulk delete “Zone.Identifier” Files with a Bash Trick

Ever stumbled upon those pesky “Zone.Identifier” files cluttering up your directories? Ugh, so annoying, right? That’s what I had today…

Converting a Single WordPress Site to Multisite Using WP-CLI

Using the WP CLI command, I wanted to convert a single site to a multisite. I chose the CLI instead…

Failed to upgrade EasyEngine!

I failed to upgrade the EasyEngine from 4.1.5 to 4.6.6 and I spent a few hours to figure out what…

How to Deregister Gutenberg Block Styles by Finding the Style Handle

The WordPress block editor allows us, the developers, to create new block types. Now with the block.json file configuration is…