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How to Implement a Light/Dark Theme Switcher with CSS Variables

Learn how to create a light/dark theme switcher using CSS custom properties. This guide provides step-by-step instructions to create a…

Optimize Interaction to Next Paint (INP) for Better Web Performance

Google’s web performance metrics are constantly evolving to provide developers with better insights into how their websites are performing. One…

Efficient User Input Delay in JavaScript & TypeScript

Observing keystroke activities (like keypress, keyup, and keydown) is a commonplace tactic in JavaScript to provide interactive user experiences. However,…

Creating a Countdown Timer in JavaScript to Improve Sales and Conversions

For businesses looking to boost online sales and conversions, a countdown timer can be a powerful tool in your digital…

Generate a Random String

This function generates a random string of a specified length. It uses str_shuffle to randomize a string of all alphanumeric…

Get The First Element Of An Array

This function returns the first element of an array. It uses PHP’s reset function which sets the internal pointer of…

Redirect To Another Page

This function redirects the user to another page. It uses PHP’s header function to send a ‘Location’ HTTP header with…

Check If A Value Exists In An Array

This function checks if a value exists in an array. It uses PHP’s in_array function which checks if a value…

Get The Current Page URL

This function returns the current page URL. It concatenates the server’s host name and the request URI from PHP’s superglobal…

Convert String To Title Case

This function converts a string to title case. It first converts the entire string to lowercase using strtolower, then uses…