
Check if the current post is using block editor (Gutenberg) or classic editor

WordPress 5+ will use the block editor by default and there is no way to switch to the classic editor…

How to register block editor categories

The WordPress block editor allows registering categories for custom blocks. So, if you have many custom blocks you may want…

Determine if the site or post editor screen is currently used with PHP

Sometimes we may need to determine if the current block editor is used to edit the full site or a…

How to log all SQL queries in WordPress

How do you get a complete log of the SQL queries done when a request is made? You could use…

Get the user ID by login in WordPress with a simple function

Recently I needed to get the ID of a user out of a big list. I didn’t want to open…

WordPress, Docker, and WP CLI

As someone who has been using Docker for local development over the past five years, I can confidently say that…

How to get the parent terms of any taxonomy

A post may have many taxonomies and each taxonomy may have also many terms and then each term may have…

Add settings link under plugin name

When creating a custom plugin, you may want to add a custom link to the setting page. That way, the…

Modify CPT arguments after it was registered

When registering a new custom post type it’s easy to pass the arguments to the register_post_type function directly. It can’t…

wp_parse_args recursive of multidimensional arrays

wp_parse_args is a wonderful function for combining two arrays, objects, or strings in WordPress. But it lacks the possibility to…