
Get all subsets of an array

This function generates all possible subsets of an array. JavaScript: TypeScript:

Sort an array of numbers

This function sorts an array of numbers in ascending order. JavaScript: TypeScript:

Get the rank of an array of numbers

This function returns an array with the same length as the input array, where each element is the rank of…

Zip multiple arrays

This function ‘zips’ multiple arrays, merging them into one array of tuples, where the first element of each input array…

Get the unique values of an array

This function removes all duplicate values from an array. JavaScript: TypeScript:

Swap two array items

This function swaps two items in an array based on their indices. JavaScript: TypeScript:

Find the minimum item of an array by given key

This function finds the smallest number in an array of objects, based on a specified key. JavaScript: TypeScript:

Find the index of the maximum item of an array

This function finds the index of the largest number in an array. JavaScript: TypeScript:

Find the maximum item of an array by given key

This function finds the largest number in an array of objects, based on a specified key. JavaScript: TypeScript:

Find the minimum item of an array

This function finds the smallest number in an array. JavaScript: TypeScript: