
Convert a set to an array

This function converts a set to an array. JavaScript: TypeScript:

Check if a set is a subset of another set

This function checks whether the first set is a subset of the second set. JavaScript: TypeScript:

Find the intersection of two sets

This function finds the intersection of two sets, i.e., elements that are common to both sets. JavaScript: TypeScript:

Find the difference of two sets

This function finds the difference of two sets, i.e., elements that are in the first set but not in the…

Find the union of two sets

This function finds the union of two sets, i.e., elements that are in either of the two sets. JavaScript:…

Unzip an array of arrays

This function ‘unzips’ an array of tuples into multiple arrays, reversing the ‘zip’ operation. JavaScript: TypeScript:

Cast a value as an array

This function checks if a value is already an array, and if not, it wraps the value in an array.…

Group an array of objects by a key

This function groups an array of objects by a certain key. JavaScript: TypeScript:

Intersperse element between elements

This function intersperses a specific value between the elements of an array. JavaScript: TypeScript:

Partition an array based on a condition

This function partitions an array into two arrays based on a condition. JavaScript: TypeScript: