Member since January 2, 2019

As a seasoned WordPress developer with expertise in various tech stacks and languages, I bring years of experience to every project I handle. My passion for coding and dedication to delivering exceptional work ensures that each project I take on is of the highest quality. I specialize in creating custom themes, developing plugins, and building full-scale web systems. By staying up-to-date with the latest industry trends and best practices, I incorporate cutting-edge solutions into my work.

Swap two array items

This function swaps two items in an array based on their indices. JavaScript: TypeScript:

Zip multiple arrays

This function ‘zips’ multiple arrays, merging them into one array of tuples, where the first element of each input array…

Sort an array of numbers

This function sorts an array of numbers in ascending order. JavaScript: TypeScript:

Swap the rows and columns of a matrix

This function swaps the rows and columns of a 2D array, also known as ‘transposing’ a matrix. JavaScript: TypeScript:

Sort an array of items by given key

This function sorts an array of objects based on a given key. JavaScript: TypeScript:

Split an array into chunks

This function splits an array into chunks of a specified size. JavaScript: TypeScript:

Remove falsy values from array

This function removes all ‘falsy’ values (false, null, 0, ”, undefined, and NaN) from an array. JavaScript: TypeScript:

Shuffle an array

This function shuffles the elements of an array. JavaScript: TypeScript:

Find the closest number from an array

This function finds the number in an array that is closest to a given target number. JavaScript: TypeScript:

Get indices of a value in an array

This function returns all the indices of a specified value in an array. JavaScript: TypeScript: